One of the first things is to get in the habit of reading the whole flier when you decide to join a bike ride.
The streets were quiet but the parks were busy on this early Sunday morning b-i-c-y-c-l-e ride through New Bedford, Ma. Pickup softball, tennis, walkers, runners, dogs, pee wee football and crypts. The morning was calm, cool and sunny. Jackets that were the dress code of the day were gradually being shed, the long sleeves began to be rolled up, and the cold drinks were being ordered.
At Brooklawn Park, the softball and tennis matches where in full competitive force. Lots of discussions of tagging home first and the ball hitting the line, or not. A shortcut through a local cemetery made short work of the ride to the pee wee football game. Camera in hand, waiting to catch an action shot......time out. Waiting....., Time in.....waiting........The cadence, hut 1, hut 2....waiting..... A whistle blows, yellow hanker chiefs fly. Men in stripped shirts run at the kids yelling "too much time, pick up the ball and move it a few yards backward"...waiting. Finally after six minutes of camera in hand, a play unfolds. It lasts all of four seconds. This is going to be a long day for those parents.

Working Waterfront of New Bedford, Ma.The Working Waterfront Festival is a celebration of commercial fishing, Americas oldest industry, at the #1 port in the United States.
Click Here for a couple of sample clips of the festival.

A station was set up where locals could record their knowledge of the fishing industry. Karen and Jen's family have been a part of the waterfront for generations, and the two of them gladly participated in the historical recording.

Diane Wilson was one of the highlights. She took on the chemical companies in Texas's Gulf coast, that were destroying the local shrimp population. She fought for and won the fight to get these corporations to abide by the federal pollution laws.