The number of trick or treaters' will approach 200 tonight. It's important to get home right after work to be there for the toddlers who are dressed to the nines and get lugged around by the moms. Then the grade schoolers arrive. This is what it's all for. Some are very creative, some just lazy looking for free candy.
Later the streets will fill with cars loaded with city kids. Why they don't park and walk still gets to me, because most of the people put putting down the streets are the ones who most need to spend a lot more time walking.
Around 8PM is the guard duty time. The lights are out to signal we are out of candy and I'm outside watching for the teens roaming the streets looking to pull pranks. More of a pain in the ass type of pranks, but annoying none the less. I'll be out directing them to the neighbors houses.
Halloween is one of the two that I personally enjoy. The end of the harvest season when the worlds of the living and the dead overlap. Costumes and masks are worn to mimic the dead and placate their spirits. It was originally a celebration of the final harvest of the growing season among the ancient Celts. It was also their new year celebration. Now it's just fun.
Easter is my other favorite. The first Sunday after the first full moon of the spring equinox. A time of new life (lilly) and abundant life (rabit). When day and night are of equal lentgh. A raucous fertility festival that has been toned down to a family gathering in my household.
If your in the neighborhood, come by tonight and get your treat. But keep an eye on the roof and bushes. You never know what spirit will be lurking.