I am taking a cardio kickboxing class at the Y. I have to appologize in advance that there is no way to get any photos without being "exposed", so you will have to take my word on the quality of the participants.
There are 6 or 7 guys in a class size that is usually in the 30's. Lots and lots of hard bodies, tight pants and tops. The woman are dressed the same.
Last night a young high school girl who had been missing for a while said hello. I greeted her and she said,
"You remember me? I haven't been here in a while because I've been too busy".
We had only talked twice, and it was brief and in passing.
The first conversation was about soccer. She mentioned that she played at New Bedford High School. I told her that I coached for many years at Bishop Stang. (Many of you can see the irony of me teaching and coaching at a religions school I'm sure).
Our second conversation was in the workout room. The music had not yet started and all the above hard bodied, spandex wearing Victoria Secret models, were in various stages of warmups and stretching when my little friend said,
"Are you coach Sullivan?"
"I am" I said with a smile.
"You used to date my grandmother".
....."Of course I remember you.