Every night, my neighbor and I take our pups for sometimes very long walks on the MUP and around town. It's not unusual for them to lasts two or three hours. The past few nights have been exceptional with bright clear sky and the moon's steady increae to full. One of the sections takes us through some pretty remotes areas where the dead trees make for a pretty neat halloween scene, especially at dusk.

With his promise of secrecy, I took Brandon to the hiden box which is part of the
letterboxing community. The local hiden box is only a few short yards from out homes on the
Phoenix Bike Trail.
Hiding the Letterbox.
Sunday was a day to ride the new secion of the Phoenix Bike trail. The first phase of the extension into Mattapoisett Ma. All that is left is the top coat and seeding of the horse path on the right side of the MUP.

The biggest squaks are from the golfers at Reservation Golf Club. It's a very exclusive, private facility who's members will be able to see the people on the MUP. For some reason, this is causing a lot of stress in the clubhouse. I got my information from a friend I ran into on the 16th tee. He also gave me advise on bike riding. Stay off the roads, and if I have to be on the street, ride against traffic. Wear a helmet, and ride the sidewalks whenever they are available. I just nodded because there is really no arguing with someone that determined to keep bikes of "his" roads.

The second of three phases of the MUP extension requires the builders to go around the YMCA camp and build a wooden, elevated (around 3 feet)path over the marshes, sideswiping the 16th tee of the golf course, before returning to the waterfront and contining to the Mattapoisett harbor.
When this whole thing is completed the MUP will extend from Provicence R.I. to Provincetown, Ma. Much of the work has been completed for example. Twenty plus miles of continuous path in R.I. and a long 25 mile section on Cape Cod. Now it's up to the communities between the two to finish thier sectons. Mile by mile, a little bit at a time, the work is being completet. Not without fights by it's detractors, but completed never the less.