No hands. No Helmet. Earbuds and talking on the phone. The "ride like I ride bike police" will have a field day with this one.
Our intention was to do the 50 mile loop but we missed the arrow that took us there and ended up doing the 26 mile route. When we stopped for lunch we noticed late the the arrows had changed colors and realized we were on a different ride route. Brandon's Iphone got us back on the right track and that's when we decided just to do the shorter version. It was a good choice because neither of us had ridden in that area and also the scenery was pretty spectacular with everything in full bloom.
Not much traffic is an understatement
We both spent a good part of the ride alone. He is a lot younger and faster so I sometimes only see a speck in the distance. Brandon usually has more miles on his odometer because of all the turning back he does to see if I'm still behind him and not in a ditch somewhere.
The picture shows the two reasons why I'm slower.
Lunch in Somerset, MA.
Dighton, Ma is still an old New England Yankee town. Lots of the 50's and 60's buildings are still around which add a nice touch of charm while riding on the quiet roads. Out here we got passed by a dozen cars or so in the hour we were in Dighton and Rehobeth.
Bowers Family plot 1708
This was a good break from the "usual" routine and we have a few more of these planned. Stay tuned.
Those country roads look perfect – I’ve been feeling a little over-trafficed lately.