Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hot Thursday Ride In The South Coast of Massachusetts

The three previous days of unrelenting heat, humidity and haze made it unbearable to do any kind of physical activity.  Early morning yoga in the park was the extent of things. Two days of semi final World Cup play made it ok to sit around the house in front of the TV for a couple of hours.    Today however the humidity broke a bit providing a taste of relief with temperatures in the  mid "80's".  A ride into Dartmouth and Westport MA. was a possibility but the thought of the hills made a repeat of last weeks ride to Wareham much more appealing.

A thirty two mile round trip with a stop at the harbor for a snack did the trick.  The heat began to take it's toll near the end of the ride, but basically it was pretty smooth going. The biggest advantage of no longer having to go to work is being able to take mid afternoon rides on weekdays when the traffic is light. Yellow bike and I made good time getting to the center of Wareham for the snack of a Honey Bun and water.  While inhaling the bun I couldn't resist looking at the nutrition label. Twenty three grams of fat.  Holy Moley, thats almost 40% of one day's worth.  That fact alone took all the joy our of the delicious, gooey, sweet, chocolaty bun from heavens kitchen. But really, at 99 cents and this economy I really had no choice but to finish it.

Not many cars were en route to "The Cape" today.  Tomorrow evening the road will be very busy and they will all merge at the two bridges crossing the Cape Cod Canal.  All that time the families made on the drive from New York, Jersey and Connecticut may be lost in the traffic backups that happen every Friday evening on the Cape.

The tree trimmers were finishing up clearing the power lines in Mattapoisett, MA.  The locals were preparing for the annual clam bake, and Mary's Pond, a local hot spot swimming area for many years, was closed.  It was a pretty popular spot for those who preferred fresh water over the ocean.  It has been closed for quite a few year, and one of these days I may investigate why. Actually I probably won't.  It's much more pristine without the hoards of people.


  1. Looks like a nice ride ... glad to see you're taking full advantage of your retirement!

  2. I like your blog, happy to see another one from MA. I bike in the middlesex region. Cheers. :)
